virtic time management can be perfectly integrated into the existinig IT-environment to digitize and to automate processes. The manual effort is drastically reduced, as well as the error frequency and the processing time. Usually master data of personnel and projects are imported to virtic and booking records for payroll and cost accounting are exported from virtic.
o ensure that the time management process involves as little manual effort as possible, many other data are also exchanged which serve to configure and control the time management process. Among other things, this optimizes the flow of information and defines read and write permissions.
When registering new employees, their master data is automatically transferred from the HR software to virtic. In doing so, the requirement of data economy is taken into account and only required data is transferred. What this is depends on which data is required for the automated calculation of the payroll records.
When creating new construction sites, orders, projects, etc., their master data is automatically transferred from the ERP system to virtic. In the process, the addresses of the work locations can also be transferred so that virtic can calculate distances based on the geodata and calculate corresponding claims of the employees (e.g. distance-dependent allowance or compensation for commuting time). In addition, employees can find the address in the navigation function of their virtic app.
If appointments for employees are managed in the ERP software, they can be transferred to virtic. There they can be displayed and edited in the scheduling. The employees can find their appointments in their personal calendar in the app. The time recording of each employee can be limited to the projects for which he has been assigned appointments.
The recorded times are posted to the relevant construction sites (or projects, orders, etc.) as part of the virtic daily closing process. The booking records can be transferred to the ERP software for cost accounting and project controlling.
The recorded times are processed into complete posting records for the payroll software as part of the virtic monthly closing process. These payroll posting records can then be derived.
The assignment of employees to organizational units can be transferred from the HR software to virtic in order to define view authorizations in time management. If the construction sites are also assigned to certain organizational units, booking authorizations of employees to the respective construction sites can be defined.
Employees can submit their leave requests in their virtic app and in their employee menu (Employee Self Service). These requests can be exported if the absences are not to be managed in virtic time management. Conversely, absence requests from third-party systems can be transferred to virtic absence management.
Absence times can be exchanged between virtic and the HR or payroll software.
Complex calculations, for example daily and monthly settlements, can be triggered externally via the batch job web service. Many customers perform automated settlements in this way during nighttime hours.
Users are rights holders in the virtic system, for example accountants, dispatchers, project managers. Their master data including the rights assigned to them can be transferred to virtic.
virtic time management can automate very complex sets of rules for the remuneration of working hours. In some cases, it may make sense to transfer the time stamps from an existing time recording to virtic in order to include this data in the automated processing.
virtic performs automated postings to the working time accounts as part of the month-end closing process. If this information is required in the HR or payroll software, it can be exported with the payroll records.
If operating data is also recorded within time recording, it can be exported within the posting record for the ERP system. Which employee is allowed to record certain operational data can be configured. The configuration of the relevant authorizations and the recording dialog can also be controlled via a web service. In this way, the scope of data entry can be defined individually for each work situation, each employee and each project.